Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Infection free computer that randomly freezes or will not boot properly

If you have run every legitimate utility to correct a randomly freezing or non-booting computer, and your not making any head way, here are a couple things to check:
1: Hard Drive Temperature
 - Just like every other mechanical device, if it gets to hot, most likely it will fail

 - normal operating temperature should be around 34c


2: Hard Disk Fragmentation

 - Think of the hard drive as a Junior High School Library's card file. The more it's used, the messier it gets.

 - Defragmentation reduces the amount of time it takes the computer to find the files it needs to run properly. (It cleans up said card file reference)


3: Check to make sure all the actual physical hardware inside of the computer is connected properly.

 - Occasionally, but not too often, gravity or dust or accidential bumping of the computer might loosen some of the hardware in the computer. If the hardware is only attached part of the time (due to a loose connection) it will only work part of the time.


Jon Olsen
Mobile Computer Wizard, Inc,
Cell (619) 309 - 5355
Office (619) 255 - 1215



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