Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mobile Computer Wizard vs. iCloud, iMap, iPhone and iPad email

iOS5 for iPhone and iPad work pretty well, but it's new and there's a few quirks.  People in the San Diego area have been asking for help more and more for help in getting their PC, MAC, Android and iPhone's synced up.  A few fun things to note are that yes, PC's support iCloud, but you must have at least Vista or Windows 7.  A few google search's reveal that XP can be hacked to run the iCloud control panel.  I will say too that iCloud syncs a lot, but maybe not as much as the commercial says, and maybe not as free!

Another quirk is how the iPad and iPhone deal with IMAP folders.  Specifically, the sent and deleted items, Trash vs. Deleted Messages and Sent Items vs Sent Messages.  It's a bit frustrating, but if you pay attention to the details, you can get them all synced up and happy.  If you have any questions, I'm the guy to ask!

Kurt Rein
Mobile Computer Wizard
619 255-1215 Office
San Diego Computer Repair

1 comment:

  1. Quick update on the post above, my old site has changed to, so the (short) link to written up solution above is now: . Cheers
