Monday, April 28, 2014

How To Run Internet Explorer With No Add-Ons/In Safe Mode In Windows 7 & 8

Recently we had a customer who couldn't access the Internet using Internet Explorer. After a little troubleshooting we discovered that it was an add-on problem by running Internet Explorer with no add-ons. By doing this, we were able to disable the malfunctioning add-on and get Internet Explorer working again. If you ever encounter problems accessing the Internet through Internet explorer you can try running Internet Explorer with no add-ons in order to determine if you are having an add-on malfunction. The how-to is below.

Running Internet Explorer With No Add-Ons In Windows 7:

Step 1: Press the start button

Step 2: With the start menu open, type in "internet explorer" (without the quotation marks) in the search bar at the bottom of the start menu

Step 3: From the list of results, select "Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)"

Step 4: You should now have a running window of Internet Explorer with no add-ons

Running Internet Explorer With No Add-Ons In Windows 8:

Step 1: On your keyboard, press and hold the windows key, (it's the key that has the Microsoft flag logo) then simultaneously press the R key. This will bring up a "Run" window

Step 2: In the Run window type in "iexplore.exe -extoff" (without the quotation marks)

Step 3. You should now have a running window of Internet Explorer with no add-ons

The Windows 8 method also works for Windows 7, but the Windows 7 method does not work in Windows 8.

Your Friendly San Diego Computer Repair Shop (858) 376-7154      (619) 255-1215

Thursday, April 24, 2014

PingTools finds AP's on your network!

I've often needed a way to find passive non DHCP Access Points on networks. This android app does it!

Kurt Rein 858-345-0382 Office San Diego Computer Repair