Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mapped Network Drive: Can't Connect or Disconnect

I ran into an interesting Windows 7 network issue on a Mission Valley client's PC. They have an local folder share and when she tried to access the folders, it would give her a permissions error. Other systems in the office were able to connect to it without a problem. 

Modifying the Windows Credentials made no impact and when trying to disconnect the mapped drive, it would throw an error about how the drive was not connected. Interestingly, I could call the folder using \\FolderName, but I was unable to enter any folder beyond that.

This made me think that the problem was how Windows was recognizing the mapped drives and the problem spilled over to accessing the folders directly. I went into the registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2] 

NOTE: A mapping to \\Shared\F will show a registry subkey named as ##Shared#F

I removed all of the references to the shared folders and restarted Windows. Sure enough, the mapped drives were disconnected and I was able to map them again.


  1. Thanks, this really helped out! So you guys do computer repair in San Diego? I'll call in
