Tuesday, April 17, 2012

iPhone iPad reminders in Outlook calendar.

iCloud is pretty neat for the most part. But time and time again around San Diego I'm asked to fix our clients Outlook calendar reminders. I've researched it and it just come down to Outlook only supports reminders for the primary calendar. I've even tried to work around it and make the iCloud calendar primary, but that makes Outlook crash upon launch. Now were having fun! I suppose you can go to great lengths to have rules that make appointments copy to your primary calendar, but I haven't resorted to that yet. What a mess! Thanks Apple!

Kurt Rein Mobile Computer Wizard 619 255-1215 Office Computer Repair San Diego

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, there's a problem with Outlook and iCloud. It's frustrating but I can't see how to solve it at the moment.
